Tuesday, June 24, 2008


When i chose this topic, my brain stop thinking, my hand cannot writing my eyes start tearing.

My words show nothing compare with what they did.

This topic is very important for every body.First, All the religions ask the followers to take care of their parents.Also, they were one of the big reason to be in this life.This is enough reason to take care of them. Also, they spent their time, hurt and money to grow us. Nothing you can compare it with what the mother hurt while she bring you. They are the only people who want you to be better than them in all the world.

Mother is the first person that every son or daughter should take care for hir and he should not hurt her by any word or behavior. First of all, she start the pain from the first moment. You stay in her body nine months eating, breathing, causing pain and illnesses for her. after nine months, you made a lot of pain while she give you birth. After that she spent her time and effort to grow you and may she stopped the work because of you. E.g. a lot of night she did not sleep because you are sick. Even if you are adult or senior she will still think about your details. E.g. have you eat or no?

Father is the second person who we should give the care and the respect. He gave a lot of effort, time and money just to make you comfortable. Foe example he may work over time or night shift just to take you at summer to a trip or to buy for you new clothes. He gave you his name. Normally in almost of the country the son or daughter will put the father name after their names.

In the conclusion, I do not think i gave them honestly any thing of what did they do but i advice and end with a translation of what did the God ask us to do with them in the holy Nobel Quran in one of a lot of verses about them.

"Your Lord has enjoined you to worship none but Him and to be good to parents. If either or both attain old age (while living) with you, never say to them, `Fie!' (- any word expressive of disgust or dislike), nor reproach them (by your action). Rather address them with kind and respectful words (always). And lower to them the wings of submissiveness out of tenderness (treating them with humility and compassion). And say (praying for them), `My Lord! have mercy upon them just as they nourished and brought me up as a child." (17:23 & 24)


marvin said...

It's such a nice post because your post makes me think over my parents ;) I totally agress with you. I'd better call to my parents tonight ;) Thank you, Ibrahim!

Claudia said...

Oh!!! Ibrahim, you surprise me. You know my father is my best friend, I love him so much, so much!!! Some day I would like to share my thoughts about my parents with you.